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If the dirt's peek'n, it's time for a Squeak'n!
Alt (951) 677-0640
(951) 266-9222
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Fountain Maintenance

Fountain Maintenance Services

Over 30 Years of Experience 
Experienced and Professional Staff
Packages Available
Over 30 Years of Experience | Experienced and Professional Staff | Packages Available
Request a Service

Let Us Help Maintain Your Fountains

Fountain maintenance is essential to keep your fountain looking good. From pump replacement to pump cleaning, we've got you covered. In addition to fountain maintenance, we also provide algae removal services. Get in touch with Squeaky Clean Mobile Detailing today for a FREE estimate!

Our Fountain Maintenance Process

  • Clean using a net and brush
  • Visual inspection of equipment
  • Empty out pump basket and skimmer basket
  • Clean and restore all faucets

Looking for Fountain Maintenance Services?

Call us today for a FREE estimate!

(951) 266-9222

(951) 266-9222
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